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Add a Touch of Sophistication to Your Events with Drapes
These days, a unique event is hard to come by. With the explosion of social media, idea sharing has become more prominent than ever, and while that's far from a bad thing, it does make planning a completely unique event somewhat challenging. Everyone wants to do something beautiful and outstanding, which leads to more and more parties and weddings and corporate gatherings looking the same as everyone else's. For some people, that's fine, but for others, those that strive to throw the most unforgettable trade show, the most beautiful college graduation, or create an exceptional church altar, same-old, same-old is not enough.

The tallest curtains in the world are located in a hotel in Oslo, Norway. Hanging at 213.25 feet (and three inches), these opulent curtains inspire that something else that the most creative event planners so relentlessly pursue. Maybe 213 feet is a bit much for the common consumer, but the point stands- curtains, drapes, whatever you want to call them, can make an incredible statement. From chiffon curtains to voile drapes, the range of patterns, colors, and fabrics make for an endless variety of choices that will complement your event or business with ease. Let's review a few of the events and instances that drapery will add the perfect touch.


Perhaps one of the most obvious choices for curtains is a church backdrop. Whether curtains are being used to conceal another part of the church or used on actual windows, voile drapes can add an elegant component to the interior of a church. Functional as well as beautiful, the variety of textures and colors of voile can create a spectacular backdrop in churches, without taking away from the importance of the sermon.


Another somewhat obvious choice, weddings are another enormous contender for drapery, but what most people don't know is how often those drapes can actually be used. Not all weddings take place within a building, but with pipe and drape systems, adding wedding drapes to an outdoor wedding is a cinch. Plus, the unusual appearance of white drapes for a wedding held outside will make the event one that is not soon forgotten by guests.


Whether business-related or somewhat informal, voile drapes can make a world of difference at a conference. From hiding the unsightly parts of a room that the conference is taking place in, providing a backdrop for speakers, or simply adding an incredibly polished touch, curtains of all types are the perfect addition to your conference event.


From high school to college, planning a graduation event only gets more stressful. There are programs to create, seats to arrange, staging to assemble, plus a host of other tasks. Choosing drapery shouldn't be one of these stressful events. It's easy to pull together a stage area with the right pipe and drape setup, and voile drapes in a school's colors add just the touch to push that graduation to the next level.

Corporate Events

From keynote speakers to parties, nothing polishes a room quite like drapery. Even if your event isn't being held in a conference room or an event hall of some kind, curtains can be added as a way of covering up clutter or dividing a less-than-ideal room into a space that serves dual purposes.

So much planning goes into events of all kinds that it's incredibly easy to get lost in the details. An ugly room or cluttered space can immediately derail the setting of your event, making participants feel uncomfortable or drive them to forget about the event entirely. That's why it's such a great idea to incorporate drapery in your building or for your event; the elegance of professional-looking curtains lends an air of sophistication without appearing overly stuffy, plus it neatens up the room in an instant and can provide a pop of color or a textured appearance in an otherwise dull and unexciting room. Curtains may seem like an unusual choice for events, but you're going to love the way they add to a room.

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